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How to selflessly and profoundly love wives as Christ so loves the Churches
in helping first wives to joyfully and willingly embrace Christian Polygamy! |
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"What is force?"
....as in meaning the question, "What is FORCE polygamy?"
This question was an EXCELLENT question asked on the Friends and Fellowhelpers email listserv.
Addressing this excellent question would indeed be of benefit for all of us, no matter where we are in growth or learning about what love-not-force is "all about".
From all the multitudes of email-posts of discussions we've had about love-not-force on the Friends and Fellowhelpers listservs, we have seen
that FORCE polygamy would be something that would FORCE polygamy on a first
wife. Yes, yes, we're being sort of silly here for using the same term to define the term!
It must also be said that the concepts of FORCE and of love-not-force go far beyond only the topic related to Christian Polygamy, but rather to the larger picture of one's entire atttitude and heart-walk. But for the sake of brevity and for simplicity, this writing here will stick here only to addressing this matter in terms of only Christian Polygamy.
It is important for us to have insight into specific practicality, doctrinal positions, and rhetoric which clearly help us to quickly identify the FORCE view of polygamy when we see it.
Understanding what FORCE polygamy actually is, in rhetoric, doctrine, and practicality, such understanding is indeed important for us, so as to not get confused as to what true love-not-force is. For surely, we do have to beware of not being mistaken (or even possibly deceived where applicable) by perhaps some concepts which really, if analyzed more closely, would reveal themselves as being "FORCE in love-not-force clothing", the idea of FORCE polygamy views disguised as if those ideas are supposedly being love-not-force. (Whether such things be done or spoken unwittingly or with deceitful intent, we still have to be aware of this, either way.)
Obviously, there can only be one definition of the TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-force, as that of being as it was laid out and defined by this ministry, and particularly by the Founder of this organization itself, the mortal source through whom the term has come to us.
And actually, as this ministry has indeed been defining what the only true definition of love-not-force really means, we have also been defining the definition of FORCE polygamy, as an obvious consequence of partly defining what love-not-force is NOT. (As such, these terms are exclusively defined here at this ministry, and if anyone would seek to obfuscate such definitions, then such actions of obfuscation will be self-revealing as such re-definitions will not match what is defined here instead.)
From some of the many, many discussions on the Friends and Fellowhelpers listservs, we have discovered and noted some examples of FORCE rhetoric, doctrine, and practice.
To list out just some of those, here are some as follows:
RHETORIC examples:
DOCTRINE examples:
PRACTICAL examples:
From our having discovered and noted these above rhetorical, doctrinal, and practical examples of unrepentant FORCE polygamy in all our past discussions, it would seem that the overall picture of FORCE polygamy is simply put as being, NOT LOVE.
That is, FORCE polygamy is self-ISH-oriented whereas love-not-force is self-LESS-oriented. And true love according to Christ is indeed as being selfLESS, as the maximum extent of love is defined as laying down one's life for another, as we see in John 15:13. Thus, FORCE polygamy is indeed NOT LOVE, in it's way of operating toward the first wife. Hence, indeed, it is highly appropriate and applicable to use the opposite phrase of "force-not-love" when discussing this, as many dear ones among us who understand this have done! (For clarity sake, the reason why we generally try to simplify it in writings though is simply because most of us when discussing things would likely otherwise make the mistake of mis-writing the order of the words in the phrase by mere typo mistake, such that we would perhaps occassionaly end up saying "love-not-force" when we would have otherwise intended "force-not-love" and/or vice versa. And so, in order to prevent us from ever making that very likely mistake, the Founder recommends using the term, FORCE, just to protect ourselves from making that kind of mistake. Even so, the term, "FORCE", is indeed very excellently understood as "force-not-love", indeed! :-)
No doubt, FORCE is force-not-love, as it simply is not about LOVE per the way as Christ so loves the churches, and GAVE HIMSELF FOR US ALL who will believe in Him.
Now, mind you, we compassionately understand that any man can make mistakes, just as any of us are vulnerable to making any error or to falling into sin. And of course, we can understand how some men, without their having had the benefit of yet learning all these deeper mature principles of the TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-force, may have stumbled and erred along such similar lines of FORCE thinking in their past. We preach the TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-fprce for their sake indeed, as well, in trying to help them as being better equipped in how to walk more powerfully in the Spirit of the Lord. Yet, the difference, though, is that upon their subsequently learning of love-not-force, they then become without such excuse even that much more, IF they would thereafter defiantly go on still with the examples of FORCE polygamy rhetoric, doctrine, and practice. This is not said with any condemnation, but only as reality. Of course, it might take some time for some to finally receive the full revelation of it all (as it IS rather intense and comprehensive, no doubt!). We know that Romans 10:17 tells us that "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God", so, we understand that, for some, receiving revelation might have to come "by hearing, and hearing, and hearing" before such ones are able to fully receive it. So, we remain in love as we continue to preach in faith. We remain walking in.... ....love-not-force.
As was said from the beginning, the principles of love-not-force go far beyond only the matter of Christian Polygamy, but actualy go to the heart of true Christian walking in Christ, walking in true LOVE unto all, which, of course, includes love unto one's first wife. And as such principles DO go beyond that, it is also necessary for all of us to truly ever be walking in such love-not-force even unto those who would stumble into the errors of FORCE polygamy. We must never (and can never) apply FORCE to try to FORCE such ones to grow and learn of the ways of love-not-force. That kind of idea is just silly, of course! What we must instead do is simply walk in love-not-force.
FORCE fails.
Love never fails.
(We know that from 1_Corinthians 13:8a!)
And that's why we can understand that love-not-force, as it is TRULY defined, is simply and purely outright Christian doctrine for how we are to walk in Him!
Alleluia Hallelujah!
We praise Him Who has so loved-not-forced us that He laid down His life for us while we were so wretchedly unworthy and disobedient!
O the selfless love of the Lord!
And O that we all would walk with such selflessly giving profound Christ-like love toward all.
It is prayed that this has been of some help, if not a blessing as well, for any and/or all of us who have been able to read this here, as being in response to a truly excellent question.
May the love of the Lord Christ Jesus, Yehoshua ha'Mashiyach, be with us all.
© March 29, 2001, TruthBearer.org
P.O. Box 765, O.O.B., ME 04064
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